When it comes to trends in interior design, things change fast and people embrace them quite quickly, just like it happens to fashion. But in landscape architecture, gardening and lawn care, this art can be rushed just as much you can rush the growth of a tree. However, lawn care, as slow as it is, also benefits from ideas and innovation that soon turn to trends. If you wish to give your property a makeover and to rejuvenate your front lawn or back yard, our lawn care Columbus, OH specialists have identified a few such trends for 2017 you might want to look at. The interesting thing is that in interior design the color of the year (as established by Pantone) is Greenery – a shade of fresh, warm and peaceful green you already have on your property. So let’s see how you can turn your landscape into a true Garden of Eden while sustaining the environment as well.

1. Raw, Natural Outdoor Landscapes

So far we have seen a minimalist and rather postmodern approach to landscaping. However, this year our lawn care Columbus, OH specialists have noticed a powerful inclination towards more authentic landscapes. This means a return to nature with the use of wood, sun-dry tiles, natural stone in the design and building of hardscapes; the introduction of more ornamental and fruit trees for privacy, shade and organic crops; the use of dry mulches for both looks and organic fertilization and protection; the indroduction of retro-inspired outdoor furniture such as swing chairs, railway tiles, free-form decks, clay pots and so on. In case you are interested in some of these innovations, have your local lawn care Columbus, OH specialists share their know-how and expertise.

2. Naturescaping

Traditional turfs are indeed beautiful, but all specialists agree they require a lot of money, time, and resources. Moreover, being aware of the current climacteric challenges we all face, lawn care Columbus, OH experts, together with other landscaping specialists are closely looking into the concept of “naturescaping” or “hyperlocalism” – identified as a major emerging trend. The main idea is to replace traditional turfs with endemic grasses and vegetation.

Such grasses, since are locally sourced, are naturally more resilient to climacteric conditions, draught or extreme weather phenomena, local pests, diseases and weeds. If plants, grasses and flowers are native to a specific ecosystem, they will better thrive in that ecosystem needing little to no waste of water, fertilizers, herbicides, pest control or heavy work. Naturescaping, by definition, promotes a healthier approach to environmentalism, as native vegetation is more able to sustain native beneficial insects, birds and companion plants.

Your lawn care Columbus, OH specialists can offer their advice on how to adapt and adopt such a lawn care trend to your own property.

3. Dwarf Shrubs

The American dream house is getting larger, while the property is getting a bit smaller, experts notice. But this doesn’t meant that people give up on their patches of Paradise. On the contrary, wishing to preserve their beauty and value, more and more homeowners get interested in many varieties of shrubs – especially the dwarf ones. Your lawn care Columbus, OH team can offer you advice on the types of shrubs you can add to your lawn and garden. Moreover, your team can offer you trimming and pruning services so your shrubs will always look neat, clean, manicured and healthy so you can enjoy lush outdoor spaces and relaxation areas in a symphony of color, texture and scent.

If you are interested in such innovation on your property, ask your lawn care Columbus, OH specialists to talk you through some interesting makeover ideas you could implement without much effort.